Friday, January 23, 2009

Why Idea mission?
Well i had chosen Idea college prep because i had heard about it from my mom's friend. And my mom had mention all the details it kept sounding better and better she had also stated that this school had an AP program which caught my interest because i wasn't being challenge at my old school since it was easy work that they had been giving me.
I also went because i heard about the teachers that are suppose to care about the students but i wanted to see if it was true because most schools just say that but they wont mean it.
and i heard that they had awesome field lessons which we would be going out of state.
but i think the most important thing i had heard that a 100% of the students who attend that school would go to college which is where i would want to go when i grow up.
so in conclusion these are the reasons i came to idea college prep mission so i encourage other kids to come for the reasons i did.
 How will idea help me get to college?
Well there is many ways that Idea can help me get to college,such as helping me with real life situations. Or putting me in AP classes that way I will be use to challenging stuff that I will soon face in college. Also by helping me pay for the college that way I will keep attending. And I think its also the uniform because it helps me look more sophisticated

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I understand the AUP contract and I'm ready for the test!!!!
Five specific uses not to use the computer is:      
1:Don't give out personal info.(name,last name,etc.)        
2:Don't harass anyone one.(friends,family people,etc.)    
3:Don't give your phone  number to anyone online.         
4:don:t give your home address to anyone online.              
5:Don't download anyone thing that might have a virus.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Do now:
1. Personal Resoponsibilities
2. Acceptable use
3. Safety
4. Network etiquette and privacy
5. Privileges